Monday, March 26, 2007

Bombay-a city that never sleeps

Bombay- A city that never sleeps, proudly called so!! Life in the city of bombay starts around 4 00 in the morning for many of them. one can find people hurrying in these wonderful morning hours to rush to their daily work. This is clearly indicated by the crowded trains in the very early hours of the mornings. one can find last trains in the city around 1 30 also and they resume their opeartions for the next day at 4.

people and culture
This is a unique city in india where one can find from the richest to the poorest living happily in their own way. The concept of rich and poor is indifferent here. People are broadminded and are very helpful unlike people in many parts of the country. To support this statement , we can take the Bombay rains during july 2005. especially july 26th,2005 was an unfortunate day for entire mumbai. The rains kept continously pouring as heavily as possible. This thing happens every year but this one was a bit different. Entire city flooded even at that time when the buses were struck in deep waters people helped each other whole heartedly to save their fellow mumbaikars. These days when you walk on the roads and if you see some one meeting up with an accident we dont even look back?? But even during that vehement situation people were so caring concerned and helpful. that shows the unity and oneness of the people in bombay. Infact mumbai is a highly blessed city because of the people living there. One can find people from every part of the country living there. Infact the city manifests a diverse culture with people from different background leading their lives happily on this beautiful city. Most importantly i cant forget to mention about mumbai's vada pav, the daily bread for most of them. folks just have that and go on with their work for hours together. one can find this besides the roads(pls dont think just just because it is on the roadsides it would be bad or so) this not the case with this place. you can find even people dropping down from cars and having them and then proceed their way!!

when it comes to commutation in the city first thing i would like to mention is Mumbai Trains:- also known as the life line of bombay. one can find both the rich and the poor travelling by the same mumbai locals. one need not for a long time to fetch the next local. The frequency of local trains in mumbai is almost 3 minutes. These locals in mumbai are one of the best in the world for their frequency and speed. Not only trains the mumbais Buses are also plenty in number. even the bus conductors are polite enough to the people on board. exact change is not at al a problem for travelling in BEST. but whereas in some cities people are actually made out to get out of the bus just for the simple reason because they dont have change?? buses in bombay are rightly called as BEST. Long live BEST and 'mumbai ka rail'.

Entertainment,shopping and hangout places
As we all know mumbai is primo in all these because of the bollywood industry. There are innumerable shops and malls that one can choose from based on his/her own capabilities. the malls in the city are one of the best. They are beautifully constructed and any one can drop in their atleast to do window shopping. Rmall, shop rite, city one in vashi are few to be named. oppurtunities are unlimited in this city. It is all about how one can take up his career to shine high. No wonder this city is the financial capital of India.

Festivals and social events and cultural celebrations
yes , this itself is a topic where one can squeak for hours together. unlike many cities where festivals are restricted with in the home here the joy and happiness is shared among people in a very sumptous way. sweets and pedas are forket out on the road sides and what not everything!! A few festivals which are celebrated in a splendid manner ganapthi('ganapathi bappa murya') , dashara and diwali. A few must visit temple are mumbais sidhivinayak and mahalakshmi.
unfortunately now a days this city is targeted for all kinds of terrorism and anti social activities. long live mumbai jey maharashtra and jeya jeya mumbai.

1 comment:

TMM said...

Hi Harish....Bombay boy

Here are my blogs:

Tell me how they are...
